Freightliner fix

“I’ve been using the FTC Decarbonizer in my Freightliner N14 for a few months now. As you know I was a little wary about trying it, but the information you gave me convinced me to give it a shot. It’s made a tremendous improvement! Blow-by has decreased from 6 inches down to 1 inch, exhaust smoke has died down considerably, fuel mileage has gone from 5MPG to close to 6MPG (20% increase), the engine stutter between gear changes has disappeared completely, the high temperature problem it had at idle is totally fixed, the engine starts so much better now than before, the engine is running so much smoother and better – it’s doing everything it’s supposed to! I did the engine oil flush with Flushing Oil Concentrate over this past weekend. Seriously, I was amazed at the huge amount of sludge and carbon that came out, all in just one stroke! I’ve driven for a few days now, and checked the dipstick – it looks BRAND NEW, it’s cleaner than ever! The cheap products I’ve tried before did absolutely nothing. Your products have done exactly what you said they would. Engine Blow-by Pack, hell of a product! I strongly recommend it to anyone. It’s worth every cent.”

Howard B, Toledo, OH