Cummins ISX Burning Oil

“My Peterbilt 389 with the ISX-15 was burning tons of oil and had bad blowby. It’s got around 500,000 miles on it. I was going through about 3 gallons of oil every 1400 miles. So I started using the FTC Decarbonizer I got from you, hoping I wouldn’t have to get a rebuild. Within about a month the blowby had slowed down a lot! And the oil burning is right down too, now I only need to take 1 gallon of oil with me instead of 3 or 4 gallons. I’m confident that will improve more as I keep using the FTC Decarbonizer. I’ll use the Flushing Oil Concentrate in about 3,000 miles when the oil change is due. Hoping that’ll tidy up the last of the oil burning. Thanks for your help.”

Steve B. San Diego, CA