Duramax 6.6 stuck rings fixed

“… it runs probably as good as it ever did, if not better!…”

“I’ve got a 2011 Chev Express van with the 6.6 Duramax. It had been gradually getting lower on power over time and just wasn’t running the way it used to. I put it down to stuck rings and a slow turbo. I ran your FTC Decarbonizer and for a while and nothing seemed to change. But around about a thousand miles of using it, it suddenly started to run so much better and had a huge boost in power. I had done nothing else to it except add the FTC Decarbonizer. Now it runs probably as good as it ever did, if not better! I figure it just took a while to burn off all the carbon around the rings and on the turbo. Very happy with the result. It’s much cheaper than an overhaul or a new turbo. By the way, I’m a diesel mechanic. A bunch of my customers are now using it and seeing the same results. Thanks for a great product.”

David R, Hillsborough, NJ