Long term fuel storage

“Prior to using FTC Decarbonizer and Cleanpower in my 2011 Kawasaki KLR650, if I did not empty the fuel tank and drain the carburetor when I’d set it up for the winter months, it would always mean a carburetor teardown and clean,  and most often, new gas as the old stuff had gone stale by the Spring. Using these products has now totally eliminated that process. I can set the bike up for winter without doing the draining process, then hit the start button in Spring, and it’ll fire right up first time and run as though it’s only been sitting for a week. But here’s an amazing thing – due to circumstances, the bike sat up 2 and a half years without being started. Carburetor was not drained and the gas tank was over half full. Come this Spring I finally was able to get back to it. I replaced the battery because it was dead beyond help. I was certain it wouldn’t start, knowing for sure the gas would be stale and the carburetor jets would be blocked up, but I hit the button anyway, just to see. A bit of choke and within about 7 seconds it was running sweetly. Amazing! Within 30 minutes I was out riding it with no problems at all. Full rev range, no coughs, no sputters, sweet acceleration, idles smoothly. I’ve never seen or heard of a fuel stabilizer that works so well. A bunch of my friends use these products in their bikes, ATVs and UTVs and they all have told me the same story. Terrific results all round!”

Dave S, Spring City, UT