Preventative maintenance, great results
“I started using the products about 6 years ago when I needed to rejuvenate a Yanmar turbo 4-cylinder engine on a newly purchase 27 year old sailboat. The engine was in very poor condition – the exhaust smoke was black, and it had little torque. As it’s a marine engine with little chance of working “hard”, it did take quite a while of using the FTC Decarbonizer and Cleanpower, along with 3 oil flushes over time using Flushing Oil Concentrate to get the engine back to as new condition. As you know, the turbo was mechanically damaged, so I replaced it.
Seeing the wonders these product can provide I started using them on my two V6 Mercedes diesel-engined vehicles. These are late model vehicles with diesel particulate filters and exhaust fuel treatment additive (DEF).
I bought both of these vehicles, used, with low kilometers. I now have 110,000 kilometers on one car, and the SUV has reached 160,000 kilometers. Both engines run with FTC Decarbonizer and ULS Diesel Enhancer. When I change the oil, I use the Flushing Oil Concentrate as you recommend. I always use high quality full synthetic oil in these engines.
I can see that the engine oil is soot/carbon free, and the oil remains clean and honey colored for a period of time.
Result is my cars perform superbly with unbelievable acceleration (for a diesel) and are very economical on fuel.
So for me these products are preventive maintenance and I know it is not a scam with the results I get.”
Jacques L, Quebec, Canada