Very impressed!

“My Cummins ISX, had around 700,000 miles on it. It had blowby, was using a lot of oil, and also DPF problems too – lots of forced regens needed far too often.
I’d been hearing lots of good about these products, been told they are much better than other products out there. So I got the Blowby Pack to try it out.
One month later, here’s what I can say. I’m very impressed, I am!
I did the oil flush soon after I got it. Ran it in the oil for 45 minutes at fast idle, then drained it out. I could not believe how much sludge and other stuff came out. The oil filter was covered in sludge too. (I’d recommend putting a new filter on before doing the flush, I didn’t and mine was badly blocked with thick sludge). The oil flush obviously cleaned off years of built-up deposits.
For sh*ts and giggles, I ran new clean oil in the engine for 10 minutes after the flush, then drained it out again. More black sludge came out, probably residue left over from the flush.
We had to remove the oil pan because of another issue. Our mechanic was amazed how much was cleaned out, he said everything was as clean as a whistle in there.
On this engine, the oil is normally totally black very soon after an oil change, now hundreds of miles later, the oil is still clear.
The DPF was having very frequent forced regens. I often do computer-monitored forced regens just to see what’s going on. On the first time with FTC Decarbonizer in the fuel, the DPF soot level went all the way to zero! I’ve never seen it go to zero before, and it did it in half the usual time, couldn’t believe what I was seeing, a great indicator of how well it works.
Since I’ve been using these products, the blowby issue has corrected, and the oil burning problem has stopped also.”

Matt T. Plymouth, NH