The Science Behind FTC Decarbonizer

Science of Maxodyne FTC DecarbonizerIn 1944, research scientists were working on organo-metallic materials as an octane booster in gasoline. Their work concentrated on a group of chemicals classified as metal based combustion catalysts. One chemical in particular, ferrous picrate, proved extremely interesting to them. They discovered that the addition of trace amounts of this chemical (56 parts per billion) to automotive fuel improved combustion efficiency by measurable amounts. This is by far the lowest treat rate of all current metal based catalysts. There are others based on iron, as well as manganese, magnesium, cerium and tin. However, these are required in concentrations 100’s (even 1000’s) of times greater than ferrous picrate. Some of these also produce harmful heavy-metal emissions.

In addition, ferrous picrate is presented as a fully soluble chemical, rather than a suspended solid. Some metal based catalysts have been known to cause increased wear to piston rings, liners and fuel systems, due to the higher concentrations required and their solid particle nature.

FTC Decarbonizer improves combustion and energy efficiency

After years of further research and development, countless studies, field and laboratory tests, the technology was perfected and is marketed by Cost Effective Maintenance (Australia) and Maxodyne Pro Maintenance Additives (North America) under the FTC Decarbonizer name. The product is widely used for energy efficiency and emission control. It is also highly regarded as a low cost means of correcting cylinder glaze and de-coking engines, without mechanical repairs or equipment downtime. Control of microbial fuel growths without the use of highly toxic chemicals is also an important feature. Another important benefit of ferrous picrate is that it has been shown to reduce wear, and often quite dramatically.

How does FTC Decarbonizer work?

FTC Decarbonizer is a unique fuel catalyst – it enhances the combustion process of fuel, both gasoline and more particularly, diesel, causing the fuel to burn much more completely (therefore much less soot formed), as well as oxidizing (burning off) all existing hard carbon within the combustion area, including piston crowns and ring grooves, cylinder walls (deglazes the cylinders), turbochargers etc. This catalyzing effect increases fuel efficiency, resulting in more power per fuel ignition and flame burn. Also, by removing all hard carbon from the combustion area, piston rings ‘un-stick’ from the piston ring grooves and seal more firmly against the deglazed/de-carboned cylinder wall. This restores cylinder compression, resulting in an increase in engine power and energy efficiency (better fuel economy). This process happens progressively as the engine is operating.

Using FTC Decarbonizer on an on-going basis is the best way to achieve the full benefits of it. Over time, the combustion area will become carbon free, and the engine oil will remain clean for a much longer period of time, as much less soot is produced during the combustion process.
Soot in the engine oil is a real problem. It is a by-product of the combustion process, caused by incomplete fuel burn, which itself is caused by the mixture of hydrocarbon fractions within the fuel which burn at varying rates. If there is a lot of soot produced, it will make its way past the piston rings and into the engine crankcase. There it mixes with the oil, turning the oil jet-black and gritty, causing an abrasive effect on all oil-wetted engine components. FTC Decarbonizer overcomes the problem of excessive soot production.

Maxodyne Engine Blow-by PackTo read a complete scientific paper about FTC Decarbonizer, it’s origin, how it works, extensive independent tests and the important benefits of its use, click here.
For information on the chemistry of FTC Decarbonizer, and how it works as a catalyst with fuel, click here.
How to effectively remove harmful soot and other contaminants from your engine oil, click here.

Use FTC Decarbonizer and Flushing Oil Concentrate (Engine Blow-by Pack) to achieve maximum results. Prevent an engine rebuild – use these products first.